Early Career Awards

Allen Rouse Basic Science Career Development Research Award

(3 years @ $55,000/year - $20,000 Grant-in-Aid during the 1st year)*
Dr. Peter Thompson awarded the Allen Rouse Basic Science Career Development Research Award
Dr. Peter Thompson

Dr. Peter Thompson was awarded for his project, “Exploring origins and treatments for sick beta cells in type 1 diabetes” Dr. Thompson is Assistant Professor in the Physiology & Pathophysiology, Endocrine & Metabolic Diseases division at the University of Manitoba. He is also Principal Investigator in the Childhood Diseases Foundation at the Children’s Hospital Research Institute of Manitoba.

While most research on type 1 diabetes focuses on how to restore the immune system, Dr. Thompson’s team has found that sick beta cells can accelerate formation of the disease. While the reason is unknown, the team’s animal model studies suggest that drug therapies that target sick beta cells can slow the development of type 1 diabetes. Sick beta cells also accumulate during the development of type 1 diabetes in children and young adults, but we currently do not have a way to translate drug therapy from animal models to humans.

In this project, Dr. Thompson’s team will investigate how healthy beta cells become sick during type 1 diabetes and identify new drug targets for sick beta cells in human tissue samples. Taken together, these studies will move us closer towards therapies that will improve beta cell health in people with type 1 diabetes and prevent type 1 diabetes by targeting sick beta cells.


This award was split between the following candidates:

Dr. Pingzhao Hu

"Artificial Intelligence and Genomics-Driven Precision Oncology for Breast Cancer."

Dr. Meaghan Jones

"Breaking the Link Between Early Life Environment Exposures and Health."


Dr. Vernon Dolinsky

“The Role of Gestational Diabetes and SIRT3 in the Developmental Origins of Cardiometabolic Disease”


Dr. P. Chelikani

"Molecular Insights into the Activation Mechanism(s) of Prostanoid Receptors"


This award was split between the following candidates:

Dr. S. Mishra

"Role of Tyrosine Phosphorylation in the Crosstalk BetweenO-GlcNAc Modification and Serine/Threonine Phosphorylation in Insulin Signaling"

Dr. J. He

"Neuroprotective Mechanisms of Atypical Antipsychotics in the Treatment of Alzheimer Phenotype in a Transgenic Mouse Model"


This award was split between the following candidates:

Dr. S. Kung

"Defining Tolerogenic Antigen Presenting Cells"

Dr. X. Yao

"Investigation of Molecular Mechanisms Underlying the Action of HIV-1 Integrase During Viral Nuclear Import and Replication"


Dr. Y. Myal

"Novel Biomarkers for Breast Development and Breast Cancer"


Dr. S. Mai

"c-Myc in Genomic Instability and Cancer"


Dr. D. Gietz

"The Identification and Characterization of Protein Interactions in the Insulin Signaling Pathway"


Dr. P. Cattini

"Regulation of the Human Growth Hormone Gene Family: A Transgenic Mouse Model for Regeneration of Heart Muscle"
(Dr. Cattini was awarded the Medical Research Council Scientist Award and had to give up the award in March 1995)


Dr. G. Pierce

"Lippoprotein Effects on Ca2+ Transport Muscle"
(Dr. Pierce was awarded the Medical Research Council Scientist Award and had to give up the award in June 1992)

Dr. F. W. Du Val and John Henson Clinical Research Professorship Award

(3 years @ $55,000/year - $20,000 Grant-in-Aid during the 1st year)*


Dr. Asher Mendelson awarded the MMSF Dr. F. W. Du Val and John Henson Clinical Research Professorship Award
Dr. Asher Mendelson

Dr. Asher Mendelson’s work on microcirculation has merited the MMSF Dr. F. W. Du Val and John Henson Clinical Research Professorship Award for 2022-2025.

During the three-year award term, the MMSF will contribute $55,000 per year towards the salary (including benefits) of the awardee. A grant-in-aid to the appointee of up to $20,000 may be made during the first year of the appointment.

Dr. Mendelson is an ICU physician at Health Sciences Centre Winnipeg, Assistant Professor of Medicine and scientist at the University of Manitoba. The focus of Dr. Mendelson’s research program is understanding how the microcirculation – the smallest blood vessels in the body – plays an important role in many ICU diseases and affects outcomes for ICU patients.

The MMSF Dr. F. W. DuVal and John Henson Clinical Research Professorship supports Dr. Mendelson leading two complementary and innovative research projects along the spectrum of critical illness – from early diagnosis to recovery. At the bedside in the ICU, he is developing non-invasive tools to monitor blood flow and oxygen delivery in the microcirculation, with the goal of improving treatment of the sickest patients using personalized therapies.

After patients leave the ICU, Dr. Mendelson is investigating how damage to the microcirculation may affect skeletal muscle strength and have long-term health consequences for ICU survivors. This form of weakness greatly impacts quality of life for patients and their caregivers, but its cause is not well understood. Dr. Mendelson is using exercise testing to describe how changes to blood flow in skeletal muscle contribute to exercise limitations in this vulnerable group. The goal will be to improve rehabilitation strategies and treatment for ICU survivors to enhance recovery.

Dr. Mendelson graduated medical school at McGill University, with residency training in Internal Medicine at the University of British Columbia. He completed the Critical Care fellowship and Clinician Investigator Program at Western University. He received a Master’s in Experimental Medicine at UBC and a PhD in Medical Biophysics at Western University, studying the physiology of blood flow control in skeletal muscle.


Dr. Clara Bohm

"Effect of an Exercise Rehabilitation Program on Symptom Burden in Hemodialysis: A Multi-Centre Randomized Controlled Study"


Dr. A. Ravandi

"Oxidized Phospholipids as Mediators of Myocardial Injury"


Dr. J. Ho

"Developing Renal Allograft Surveillance Strategies: From Implantation to Late Post-Transplant."
(Dr. Ho received a CIHR New Investigator Salary Award and gave up the Professorship in July 2015)


Dr. R. Arora

(MMSF/MHRC Funded)**
"Determining the Incidence of Postoperative Delirium in the Current Era of Cardiac Surgery"


Dr. S. Dakshinamurti

(MMSF/MHRC Funded)**
"Regulation of Thromboxane Receptor Hypersensitivity in Persistent Pulmonary Hypertension of the Newborn"


This award was split between the following candidates:

Dr. D. Jassal

"The Interaction of Hyperlipidemia and NOS3 on Left Ventricular Remodeling After Pressure-Induced Overload"

Dr. H. Singh

"Colorectal Cancer Prevention, Safe Screening and Early Detection: A Series of Population-Based Studies"


Dr. E. Bohm

"Does Cyclooxygenase 2 Inhibition Impair Bone Healing?"


Dr. M. Del Bigio

"Role of Extravasated Blood in Potentiation of Injury in the Immature Brain"


Dr. C. Bernstein

"Viral Infections and Inflammatory Bowel Disease: A Population-Based Case-Control Study."
(Dr. Bernstein received a CIHR Research Chair and gave up the Professorship in January 2001)

Shaun Lamoureux and Kerry Bittner Clinical Research Professorship in Population Health Award

(3 years @ $55,000/year plus a $20,000 Grant-in-Aid during the 1st year)


Dr. Megan Delisle awarded the Shaun Lamoureux and Kerry Bittner Clinical Research Professorship in Population Health Award
Dr. Megan Delisle

Dr. Delisle’s work with precision oncology has merited the Shaun Lamoureux and Kerry Bittner Clinical Research Professorship in Population Health Award for 2025-2027.

The award is given for a period of three years, during which the MMSF will contribute $55,000 per year towards the salary (including benefits) of the awardee. A one-year term grant-in-aid to the appointee of up to $40,000 may be made during the first year of the appointment.

Dr. Delisle is an assistant professor in the Department of Surgery at the University of Manitoba. She is also a surgical oncologist with Shared Health and CancerCare Manitoba and an affiliate scientist with the Paul Albrechtsen CancerCare Manitoba Research Institute.

Cancer remains a serious health concern, with two in five Canadians developing the disease and one in four dying to it. Even for those who survive, there is a chance the cancer may come back – and the treatments themselves can cause long-term health problems.

Dr. Delisle and her team are researching precision oncology, which is a newer approach that personalizes care. It does this by looking at specific molecules (such as genes and proteins) in each person’s cancer, guiding doctors to choose more effective treatments. Precision oncology research depends on analyzing donated cancer samples, which are stored in places called biobanks. Unfortunately, many obstacles – like limited access to specialized testing and difficulties donating samples – can prevent people from benefiting from precision oncology and stop researchers from getting the samples they need.

Dr. Delisle’s project aims to study these issues in Manitoba. They will look at how often people with cancer have received publicly funded testing for specific cancer markers from 2018 to 2023. They’ll then work with patients, caregivers, healthcare professionals and health system leaders to find out what keeps some people from getting these tests or donating to biobanks. Using this information, they’ll create solutions to help more people access precision oncology and ultimately improve cancer care and outcomes in Manitoba.

Dr. Delisle graduated medical school from McGill University and completed her general surgery residency at the University of Manitoba. She holds a Master of Public Health degree from Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health and a Master of Science in Surgery degree from the University of Manitoba.


Dr. J. Hensel

"Virtual Psychiatric Emergency Response (ViPER): Evaluation of Usage, Patient Experience and Population Impact"


Dr. D. Dawe

"Improving Chemotherapy Decision-Making for Older Patients with Cancer"


Dr. Y. Keynan

"Drivers and Consequences of Immune Activation-Suboptimal Immune Responses Among HIV Infected"


Dr. R. Schroth

(MMSF/MHRC Funded)**
"Evaluating the Feasibility and Effectiveness of High Dose Vitamin D Supplementation During Pregnancy on Newborn 25(OH)D Levels and Infant Health"

Dr. M. Becker

(MMSF/MHRC Funded)**
"Improving Infectious Treatment Outcomes Among Vulnerable Populations"


Dr. A. Katz

"Primary Care Prevention: A Population-Based Research Program"


Dr. S. Taback

"Clinical and Epidemiological Research in Pediatric Endocrinology and Diabetes"


This award was split between the following candidates:

Dr. C. Peschken

"Differences in and Determinates of the Outcome of Rheumatoid Arthritis in First Nations and Caucasian Patients"

Dr. S. Moses

"Intervention Research for the Prevention and Control of Sexually Transmitted Infections."
(Dr. Moses received a CIHR Award and gave up the Professorship August 2001)

R. Samuel McLaughlin / MMSF Research and Education Fellowship

(MMSF Share is $25,000/year - July 1st - June 30th)


Dr. Sabrina Lee Awarded the R. Samuel McLaughlin / MMSF Research and Education Fellowship Award in Medicine

The Manitoba Medical Service Foundation (MMSF) is delighted to announce that the 2024–2025 R. Samuel McLaughlin / MMSF Research and Education Fellowship Award in Medicine has been awarded to Dr. Sabrina Lee.

This prestigious award, totaling $75,000, is jointly sponsored by the MMSF, The University of Manitoba McLaughlin Foundation, and the Dean of Medicine’s Education and Research Fellowship Fund at The University of Manitoba, with each contributing $25,000. The award aims to support the scholarship of the Rady Faculty of Health Sciences by training future clinical faculty members in research and medical education. Dr. Lee will hold this fellowship for one year, beginning July 1.

Dr. Lee has an impressive educational background, having earned a BHSc in Health Sciences from the University of Ottawa in 2013, an MD from the University of Ottawa in 2017, an MSc in Sexual and Reproductive Health Research (RSHR) from the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine in 2020, and an MSc in Health Services Research (HSR) from the University of Toronto in 2022. They recently completed their FRCSC in Obstetrics and Gynecology at the University of Manitoba after five years of dedicated training. Additionally, they are undertaking an extra year of specialized education as the incoming Clinical Fellow of the UBC Advanced Training in Family Planning to further enhance their expertise.

Dr. Lee holds current appointments as a locum physician in Obstetrics, Gynecology and Reproductive Sciences at the University of Manitoba, and as a clinical instructor in General Obstetrics and Gynecology at the University of British Columbia. Their dual roles reflect their commitment to both clinical practice and medical education, highlighting them as a clinician-researcher with a thoroughly comprehensive understanding of reproductive health.

Dr. Lee's project, titled, "How far is too far? Creating an evidence base for safe provision of abortion among people living far from emergency services," seeks to determine the safe distance from facilities capable of blood transfusion and emergency surgery at which first-trimester medication abortion can be provided. This project is being done as part of Dr. Lee's work with the Contraception and Abortion Research Team – Groupe de recherche sur l’avortement et la contraception (CART-GRAC) network of researchers.  

This multifaceted study will address whether medical abortion services can be extended to areas requiring considerable travel to such facilities. The project will investigate the experiences of individuals in remote areas accessing abortion services and gather insights from healthcare professionals providing care in these communities. It will also analyze government health administrative data to identify risk factors associated with medical abortions requiring blood transfusion, using a case-control analysis to better understand the key risk factors in remote first trimester abortion care.

Ultimately, Dr. Lee’s research will provide crucial guidance on the safe provision of medical abortion in remote settings across Canada, ensuring that more people can access essential reproductive healthcare without compromising their safety. With their significant academic background in health sciences, sexual and reproductive health, medicine, and health services research, combined with their clinical expertise in reproductive sciences, obstetrics, and gynecology, Dr. Lee is well-positioned to make significant contributions to medical research and education.

With the support of this award, Dr. Lee’s work promises to have a lasting impact on healthcare accessibility and safety, particularly for those living in remote and rural communities.


Dr. Alain Beaudry awarded the R. Samuel McLaughlin / MMSF Research and Education Fellowship Award in Medicine

The Manitoba Medical Service Foundation (MMSF) is pleased to announce that the 2023-2024 R. Samuel McLaughlin / MMSF Research and Education Fellowship Award in Medicine has been awarded to Dr. Alain Beaudry.

The $75,000 award is co-sponsored by the MMSF, the University of Manitoba McLaughlin Foundation and the Dean of Medicine’s Education and Research Fellowship Fund at the University of Manitoba– with each contributing $25,000.

The award aims to support the scholarship of the Rady Faculty of Health Sciences through the training of future clinical faculty members in research and medical education. The term of the award is one (1) year, commencing on July 1, 2023.

Dr. Beaudry, Chair of the Indigenous Admissions Stream at the University of Manitoba, has been awarded for his project, “Tailored Cancer Screening Among Canadian Indigenous Populations.”

Rates of cancers among Indigenous populations in Canada often diverge significantly from the base Canadian rates. Recommendations for cancer screening are usually based on overall population incidence and do not often account for significant variation in subpopulations– the costs and benefits used to develop these recommendations are often based on predominantly non-Indigenous data.

Dr. Beaudry seeks to understand whether a tailored approach to cancer screening for Indigenous populations offers improved early detection and survival to some of Canada’s most vulnerable people.

Dr. Beaudry is an Indigenous physician and has first-hand experience working with both the diseases at hand as well as the affected Indigenous communities in Manitoba and Nunavut. His in-depth understanding of applied economics supports this project’s quantitative analysis. Dr. Beaudry has previously published several impactful papers on chronic disease and is well-connected to Indigenous communities in Manitoba and Canada as a whole.

With the support of the McLaughlin Fund, the MMSF, and the Dean’s Fellowship Fund, this important reconciliatory work toward equitable health outcomes will continue. In the context of increasing Indigenous self-determination in health care delivery, it will allow Indigenous communities and Nations to choose an approach to cancer screening which works best for their citizens and which saves more lives and improves health outcomes.


Dr. Mahdi Rahimi

The Dean's Fellowship Fund (DFF) at the University of Manitoba is also contributing $25,000, valuing the 2022/23 award at $75,000


Dr. Clara Bohm

The Dean's Fellowship Fund (DFF) at the University of Manitoba is also contributing $25,000, valuing the 2021/22 award at $75,000


Dr. Sapna Oberoi

The Dean's Fellowship Fund (DFF) at the University of Manitoba is also contributing $25,000, valuing the 2020/21 award at $75,000


Dr. Blair Peters

The Dean's Fellowship Fund (DFF) at the University of Manitoba is also contributing $25,000, valuing the 2019/20 award at $75,000


The Dean's Fellowship Fund (DFF) at the University of Manitoba is also contributing $34,634, valuing the 2018/19 award at $84,634

Dr. Mark Bigder


Dr. Brett Houston

(Dr. Bigder subsequently received the Dean of Medicine's Education & Research Fellowship Award at the University of Manitoba and he declined the McLaughlin/MMSF Award in April 2018)


The Dean's Fellowship Fund (DFF) at the University of Manitoba is also contributing $34,634, valuing the 2017/18 award at $84,634

Dr. Vanessa Poliquin


Dr. Lin Yang

(Dr. Yang received a faculty position as assistant professor in the Section of Hematology/Oncology, Department of Internal Medicine at the University of Manitoba and she declined the McLaughlin/MMSF award in December 2017)


Dr. Frederick Zeiler

The Dean's Fellowship Fund (DFF) at the University of Manitoba is also contributing $20,000, valuing the 2016/17 award at $70,000


The Dean's Fellowship Fund (DFF) at the University of Manitoba contributed $20,000, valuing the 2015/16 award at $70,000 [$35,000 to each awardee]

Dr. Murdoch Leeies


Dr. Ilan Schwartz



Dr. Guillaume Poliquin



Dr. Christine Fedorow



Dr. Kristjan Paulson



Dr. Chris Wiebeson



Dr. Yaov Keynan


Dr. Kanwal Kumar



Dr. Colin Kazina



Dr. Marshall Pitz



Dr. Colin Kazina


Richard Hoeschen Memorial Award


The BSc (Med) Awards Committee: This committee is chaired by the BSc (Med) coordinator and consists of three individuals. Its task is to select winner(s) for the Richard Hoeschen Memorial Award. The BSc (Med) Committee will distribute the award(s) as they see fit.


This award has been equally split between:

Dr. Frederick Zeiler

Human Anatomy and Cell Science, Rady Faculty of Health Sciences

$2,000 (MMSF/SBRC equally contributed)
In support of BSc (Med) student Kevin Park project entitled "Association Between Clinical and Objective Measures of Depth of Sedation in Severe Traumatic Neural Injury: A Pilot Analysis"

Dr. Sylvain Lother

Internal Medicine, Rady Faculty of Health Sciences

$2,000 (MMSF/SBRC equally contributed)
In support of BSc (Med) student Benjamin Myers project entitled "Clinical Manifestations and Outcomes of Patients Hospitalized with Severe Blastomycosis in Manitoba"


Dr. Yoav Keynan

Department of Internal Medicine and Medical Microbiology & Infectious Diseases

$4,000 (MMSF/SBRC equally contributed)
In support of BSc (Med) student Owen Barber-Dueck’s project entitled “Serological studies among populations at risk for COVID-19 in Manitoba”


This award has been equally split between:

Dr. Jennifer LP Protudjer

Department of Pediatric and Child Health
– $2,000 (MMSF|SBRC)

Dr. Frederick A. Zeiler

– $2,000 (MMSF|SBRC)


Dr. Jiuyong Xie

Departments of Physiology & Pathophysiology
– $4,000 (MMSF|SBRC)


This award has been equally split between:

Dr. Jennifer LP Protudjer

Department of Pediatric and Child Health
– $2,000 (MMSF|SBRC)

Dr. Emily Rimmer

Department of Internal Medicine
– $2,000 (MMSF|SBRC)


This award has been equally split between:

Dr. Yoav Keynan

Internal Medicine, Medical Microbiology and Community Health Sciences
– $2,000 (MMSF|SBRC)

Dr. Mandana Modirrousta

– $2,000 (MMSF|SBRC)


Dr. Yoav Keynan

Internal Medicine, Medical Microbiology and Community Health Sciences
– $4,000 (MMSF|SBRC)


This award has been split and awarded to Dr. Yoav Keynan, with the remainder equally divided amongst the Nephrology Research Group:

Dr. Yoav Keynan

Internal Medicine, Medical Microbiology and Community Health Sciences
– $2,000 (MMSF $1,000|SBRC $1,000)
Nephrology Research Group:

Dr. Sean Armstrong

Internal Medicine
– $500 (MMSF $250|SBRC $250)

Dr. Paul Komenda

Internal Medicine
– $500 (MMSF $250|SBRC $250)

Dr. Claudio Rigatto

Internal Medicine
– $500 (MMSF $250|SBRC $250)

Dr. Navdeep Tangri

Internal Medicine
– $500 (MMSF $250|SBRC $250)


This award has been equally split between:

Dr. David Dawe

Internal Medicine
– $1,333 (MMSF|SBRC)

Dr. Yoav Keynan

Internal Medicine, Medical Microbiology and Community Health Sciences
– $1,333 (MMSF|SBRC)

Dr. Afshin Raouf

Cell Biology and Immunology
– $1,333 (MMSF|SBRC)


Dr. Versha Banerji

Internal Medicine
-$4,000 (MMSF|SBRC)


Dr. Yoav Keynan

Surgery and Community Health Sciences
-$2,000 (MMSF|SBRC)


This award has been equally split between:

Dr. Andrew McKay

Surgery and Community Health Sciences
- $1,000 (MMSF|SBRC)

Dr. Benedict C. Albensi

Pharmacology & Therapeutics
– $1,333 (MMSF|SBRC)

Dr. Paul Komenda

Internal Medicine
– $1,000 (MMSF|SBRC)

Claudio Rigatto

Internal Medicine
– $1,000 (MMSF|SBRC)


This award has been equally split between:

Dr. Robert Chase

Department of Community Health Sciences
- $2,000 (MMSF|SBRC)

iDr. Idris Elbakri

Department of Radiology
– $2,000 (MMSF|SBRC)


This award has been equally split between:

Dr. Mubeen Rafary

Department of Pediatrics
- $2,000 (MMSF|SBRC)

Dr. Sarvesh Logsetty

Department of Surgery
– $1,000 (MMSF|SBRC)

Dr. John Embil

Department of Internal Medicine
– $1,000 (MMSF|SBRC)


This award has been equally split between:

Dr. Ana Hanlon-Dearman

Department of Pharmacology
- $2,000 (MMSF|SBRC)

Dr. Eric Sigurdson

Department of Psychiatry
– $1,000 (MMSF|SBRC)


Dr. Andrew McKay

- $4,000 (MMSF|SBRC)


This award has been equally split between:

Dr. John Embil

Infection Control Unit
- $2,000 (MMSF|SBRC)

Dr. Julia Rempel

Internal Medicine & Immunology
– $2,000 (MMSF|SBRC)


This award has been equally split between:

Dr. John Embil

Infection Control Unit
- $2,000 (MMSF|SBRC)

Dr. Ian Gibson

– $2,000 (MMSF|SBRC)


This award has been equally split between:

Dr. John Embil

Medical Microbiology
- $2,000 (MMSF|SBRC)

Dr. Tom Blydt-Hansen

– $2,000 (MMSF|SBRC)


Dr. John Embil

Medical Microbiology
- $4,000 (MMSF)

Basic Health Sciences Awards PhD and MSc


Javad Alizadeh

PhD Award $1,000

Project: “Regulation of non-small cell lung carcinoma (NSCLC) metastasis via mitophagy and anoikis”

Titus Olukitibi

PhD Award $1,000

Project: “Development and Characterization of a Noval DC-targeting Universal Influenza Vaccine”

Essence Perera

MSc Award $1,000

Project: “A Longitudinal Examination of Suicidal Behaviours Among Individuals with Mental Disorders in the Canadian Armed Forces”

Completing PhD Studies


Qian Liu


Raghu Sundaresan Nagalingam



Lucile Jeusset


Rony Thomas



Mohammad Aghanoori


Ejlal Abu-El-Rub



Lisa Liang


Hadeesha Piyadasa



Chukwunonso Onyilagha


Rae Spiwak



Ka Yee (Grace) Choi



Scott Dyck



Kallesh Jayappa


Yueqin Zhou


Jose Palazuelos



Nan Wu


Completing MSc Degree


Lucas De Lima



Michaela Palmer



Chidalu Edechi


Nnamdi Ikeogu



Gabriel Brawerman



Bhavya Sharma



Anna Blankstein



Fahmida Jahan


Emelissa Mendoza



Tony Pereira



Matthew Hanson



Jie Wang


Andrew McDermid


The MMSF Undergraduate and Graduate Student Research Awards

MMSF Morris Neaman Memorial Award


Dhiraj Bal

Project: “Evaluating Patient Tolerability & Success for Penile & Scrotal Urologic Procedures Under Local Anesthesia & Conscious Sedation: A Prospective Study”

Christian Liebzeit

Project: “Expression profiling of genes involved in the transendothelial leukocyte migration in HIV-1 resistant women in the Pumwani Sex Worker Cohort”


Kevin Stein


Rachel Wang



Triston Eastman


Philip Kawalec



Kianna Cadong


Francis Diaz



Amy Lam


Tarik Leylek


MMSF Dr. Norman and Margaret Corne Memorial Award


Lana Mackic

Project: “Can flaxseed ‘milk’ prevent broken hearts in women with breast cancer?”


Emelissa Valcourt



Karim Sidhom



Nada El Tobgy


MMSF Dr. Jack C. Wilt Memorial Award


Katia Occhino

Project: “Can we predict emergency Cesarean section and early neonatal complications for First Nations families with diabetes in pregnancy? A study from the NextGen Birth Cohort”


William Kong



Jennifer Lischynski



Britany Plant


MMSF Justice J. Wilson Memorial Award


Karsen Winters

Project: “HLA-associated preadaptation in a Kenya population”


Cate Griffin



Negar Atefi



Hailey Hilderbrand


MMSF Dr. F. W. Du Val Memorial Award


Flyn Gallardo

Project: “Endoscopic Ultrasound-guided Core Needle Biopsies (EUSCNB) as an Alternative for Lymphoma Diagnosis in Patients with Mediastinal / Abdominal Lymphadenopathy”


Kapilan Panchendrabose



Alexander Chin



Kelvin Hong


MMSF Dr. Lyonel Israels Memorial Award


Bhavan Dhaliwa

Project: “Improving Patient Care Experience in the Pediatric Emergency Department.”


Julian Burtniak



Anmol Mann



Jayce Bi


MMSF Dr. William D. Bowman Memorial Award


Evan Abram

Project: “Improving patient care experience in the Pediatric Emergency Departments: A systematic review”


Arielle Bieniek



Syeda Jafri



Hailey Hilderbrand


MMSF Dr. James C. Haworth Memorial Award


Jay Punj

Project: “Dial Don’t Drive Campaign”


Arjun Raghavan



Negar Atefi



Qiming Hu


BSc Medicine Summer Student Program

2023 Students

2022 Students

2021 Students

2020 Students

2019 Students

2019 Students - Class Photo

(Students are listed in alphabetical order, not as they appear in the photo)

Anirudh Agarwal, Mariam Ahmed, Joseph Asaminew, Fatemeh Bakhitiari, Alisha Beaudoin, Nicole Bourrier, George Cai, Taekhwan Chung, Justine Ciric, Steven Cooper, Braden Cruise, Joseph Darcel, Meagan Deviaene, Matthew Genung, Jonathon Gerstein, Paul Gocik, Stansilav Gomon, Kyle Hall, Sean Higgins, Lourens Jacobs, Brennan Kaita, Yoo Jin Kim, Suman Lakhi, Amy Lam, Matthew Levesque, Shivani Mathur, David Nelson, Adam Padalko, Christian Palaschuk, Domenic Pieroni, Steven Reda, Ilan Rubinchik, Mykola Sackett, Nikita Sarangal, Janessa Siemens, Mohamed Soufi, Tyler Spencer, Hannah Stirton, Brittany Stojak, Lana Tennenhouse, Jordan Thisdelle, Peter Trokajlo, Yihui Wei, Leanne Zerkee

2018 Students

2018 Students - Class Photo

(Students are listed in alphabetical order, not as they appear in the photo)

Maria Ahmed, Allison Baergen, Lauren Bath, Pascal Bogaert, Derek Briscoe, Jennifer Brown, Yui Chang, Byung Heon Cho, Dominic Chung, Kelsey Connelly, Hongru Ren, Su Huyn Kim, Daniel Kroft, Linda Lam, Tarik Leylek, Kevin Li, Alennie Lopez, Carmichael Mabilangen, Ruochen (Tony) Mao, Graham McInnis, Marna McKenzie, Graham McLeod, Edward Noh, Ashley Olson, Ali Qadri, Ryan Ramjiawan, Neil Reed, Shubhkarman Singh Sandhawalia, Alexander Schultz, Andy Injun Seo, Prince Sidhu, Monty Singh, Prabjot Singh, Achieng Tago, Helen Teklemariam, Vishal Thakur, Antonia Zhu, Pamela Zacharias

2017 Students

2017 Students - Class Photo

(Students are listed in alphabetical order, not as they appear in the photo)

Alain Beaudry, Joel Braun, Christopher Briggs, Sean Desrochers, Rami Elzayat,Samantha Frost, BS Habte, Nicholas Hargrove, Mackenzie King, Natasha Klemm, Matthew Kochan, Zeenib Kohja, Nicholas Krueger, Blake Lerner, Amanallah Montazeripouragha, Krystyna Peterson, Philip Pries, Anna Schwartz, Julie Semenchuk, Marise Svistovski, Everett Vun

2016 Students

2016 Students - Class Photo

(Students are listed in alphabetical order, not as they appear in the photo)

Pegah Afsharinezhad, Graham Alvare, Trevor Aquin, Joshua Aquin, Kyla Barrie, Alexei Berdnikov, Ryan Best, Mathieu Bourrier, Kristyn Buchko, Tarun Chhibba, Summer Debreiul, Fredrick Eng, Jay Gorman, Jack Heard, Ryan Henrie, Katrice Kazmerik, Uliana Kovaltchouk, Sandeep Krishnan, Martin Matuszczak, Julia Mayba, Steven Nolin, Stephanee Ophey, Matthew Paschak, Quinlan Richert, Adrian Rozbacher, Kevin Shek, Neelan Sriranjan, Susan Telencoe, Albert Yeung

2015 Students

2015 Students - Class Photo

(Students are listed in alphabetical order, not as they appear in the photo)

Upama Banik, Hilary Bews, Eileen Burnett, Jordan Crosina, Kyle Curtis, Mitchell Darr, Jared Davies, Braeden Debroni, Samuel Fineblit, Rukhsana Foster, Conrad Goerz, Thomas Hall, Ingrid Hougen, James Johnston, Tanya Khaper, Ritika Khatkar, Evan Klanjncar, Samantha Klassen, Andrew Kochan, Rebecca Kummen, Kendra Kuo, Allison Love, James Lytwyn, Alison Marmel, Joelle Michaud, Oussama Outbih, Matthew Packer, Joshua Palay, Jingyan (Linda) Pan, Mohammad Pannu, Danielle Paradis, Christie Rampersad, Marina Rountree-James, Milind Saxena, Emma Schon, Michael Seaman, Youcef Soufi, Kevin Stockwell, Sophia Sweatman, Kelsey Uminski, Evan Wiens, Kelcey Winchar, Irene Xie

2014 Students

2014 Students - Class Photo

(Students are listed in alphabetical order, not as they appear in the photo)

Alysa Almojuela, Liane Angelie Arcinas, Sanjay Bansal, Amit Bharj, Sarah Blelloch, Patrick Boreskie, Matthew Cheung, Ruchi Chhibba, Kirsten Clark, Elise Crocker, Kaitlin Cyr, Stefan Edginton, Jessica Enns, Adam Erickson, Thomas Fudge, Jeonga (Jenna) Gim, Nicholas Humniski, Paige Erika Isabey, Diane Kim, Rebecca Lang, William Liang, Fang Yuan (Violet) Luo. Hellmuth (Ricky) Muller Moran, Mark Nassar, Quyen Nguyen, Antonio Paletta, Kirsten Penner-Goeke, Gail Pollard, Tarun Prashar, Alexandra Prior, Jacqueline Richelle, Rebekah Rittberg, Margot Rosenthal, Heejin (Jennifer) Ryu, Robert Schmidt, Pooja Sharma, Connor Sommerfeld, Mryanda Sopel, Peter Stepaniuk, James Stone, Laura Tapley, Alexa Toop, Bryan Tordon, Simon Walker, Mark Xu, Sari Yakubovich, Adam Yan, Jennifer Ziegler

2013 Students

2013 Students - Class Photo

(Students are listed in alphabetical order, not as they appear in the photo)

Brady Anderson, Heather Ashdown, Daniel Bellan, Peter Benoit, Jonathon Broughton, David Chan, Jodie Charison, Zachary Corso, Brittney Day, Riley Epp, Kaitlin Hogue, Alyssa Janke, Carlos Jaramillo, Patrick Jung, Harmandeep Kalkat, Cara Katz, Michael Katz, Daniel Kroeker, Lawrence Lau, Jordyn Lerner, Stacy McPhee, Kathryn Menzies, Serena Nelko, Dung Nguyen, Christopher Parr, Kelsi Quinn, Colin Rumbolt, Jasgurpreet Singh, Rozeanna Skovrlj, Stephenson Strobel, Luke Vanderhooft, Heather Watson-Burgess, Matias Wengiel, Jeffrey Wheeler, Thomas Winter, Piotr Wtorek

BSc Dentistry Summer Student Program

2023 Students

2022 Students

2021 Students

2020 Students

2019 Students

2019 Students

Front row, left to right: Chanelle Holder, Stefan Mezibroski, Amanda Finch, Monir Horriat, Daniella Battaglia, Miguel Cabuhat, Derek Oryniak, Morgan Winchar, Aarushi Dhawan and Aaron Quach

Back row, left to right: Nicole Bailey, Nina Cianflone, Hollie Van Nest, Harry Manghera, Ji Hun Han, Karm Bath, Noah Corso, Bassam Abas

2018 Students

2018 Students

Front row, left to right: Nicole Bailey, Daniella Battaglia, Amanda Finch, Chanelle Holder, Israa Elgazzar, Dmitry Mikhlin (kneeling down), Hollie Van Nest, Noah Corso, Karm Bath, Derek Oryniak, Tatiana Pribytkova

Back row, left to right: Yasmin Elzayat, Monir Horriat, Catherine Long, Nina Cianflone, Morgan Winchar, Allison Torbiak, Stella Korowski, Ji Hun Han, Miguel Cabuhat, Harry Singh, Paul Ricard

2017 Students

2017 Students - Class Photo

From top row, left to right: Karm Bath, Noah Corso, Israa Elgazzar, Ji Jun Han, Natasha Holder, Stella Korowski, Catherine Long, Dmitry Mikhlin, Tatianan Pribytkova, Paul Ricard, Natalie Rosenthal, Nader Shaker, Harry Singh, Shelly Tang, Allison Torbiak, Jeanne Trinh

2016 Students

2016 Students - Class Photo

From left to right: Saba Naghipur, Sunny Virdi, Justin Silverstein, Jodie Christensen, Brady Brinkman, Michael Rodillo

2015 Students

2015 Students - Class Photo

Back row, left to right: Victor Gong, Gurinder Boparai, Bryan DiMarco, Zhendan Pan, Tyler Sobotkiewicz

Front row, left to right: Manon Foidart, Tim Lou, Lindsay Robertson

2014 Students

2014 Students - Class Photo

Back row, left to right: Justin Diamond, Artiom Margolin, Ryan Howard, David Truong

Middle row, left to right: Christopher Ward, Melissa Phaneuf, Lisha Mehta, Niza Sinkala

Front: Stephani Cooney

2013 Students

Manon Foidart, Carly Hamilton, Zhendan Pan, Zhendan Pan, Michael Rodillo

An output evaluation of a health research foundation’s enhanced grant review process for new investigators Evaluation of MMSF programs.